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Rhyl/Ashton-Under-Lyne/Plymouth/Hastings - 2016
The North Bar, Rhyl - 14/12/2016
On a UK tour and all the way from Swindon, 2 Sick Monkeys brought some punk rock royalty back to Rhyl, having grazed their knees regularly at The Dudley Arms some six+ years previously.
In Pete Butler you have a veteran punk rocker, with punk ideals, a positive outlook and a killer bass guitar. He and his able drummer Fred scour the country playing gigs for pittance and sleeping on floors and why? Because they can… and they have done so almost a thousand times since their inception sixteen years ago… Incredible.
It is punk rock, but not any punk rock… It’s kinda old school, hardcore, proggy, thrash… It’s drums and bass, but not as we know it… All eyes are transfixed on Pete’s bass as he puts every other bass player to shame.
From the concept song Blur (or Blurgh) to the not so happy Happy Days it’s a whirlwind of dynamic head nodding songs, interjected with an appreciative audience and band.
By Neil Crud - Link 2 Wales
For the rest of the nights review go to:
Neil's Gig Review
The Station, Ashton-Under-Lyne - 05/10/2016
2 Sick Monkeys - A bang on band who first played for me when in their chimping nappies and who have since clocked up 961 gigs to date and are still very much enthused. I expected much and, with so many claiming to be fans of the band, a better turn-out than we got - hey but such is the transparency of the talk out there.
I was certain though of a storming set and that is what we all got with the brace of apes on fire and chucking out their rhythmic bananas with much gusto.
The open duo of 'Rock 'n' Roll Song' and 'Live It Up (Fuck It Up)' were an example of what was to come with the bass and the boomers combining to make one intricate and exciting introduction to a set that was a feisty, fruity and fuckin' fiery throughout.
The manipulation of both pieces of acoustic weaponry was masterful and all those years gigging up and down the country were all prevalent and at the peak of fruition.
'What D'you Know', 'Can't Deny' and '24/7, were slapped home with breathless attention, the punters present gave due respect to the exhibition and were keen to see and hear more and more.
A 'Blurrr!' came, one of many, a few more sweet sensations swept from the stage with my personal pick of the pops the ever effective ' Superhero' a choice gem and from a kind soul that is never forgetful. 'Happy Days' is always a treat and the closure of 'Fuck Off' is still one to leave a smile on yer face and a good ringing in your bleeding lugs.
The 2 Sick Monkeys clamber on, there is no success only in the doing and that is mightily precious and will never be overlooked by those who mean it and are fellow bed partners in the mire. We know the score, I hope a few more out there do too!
A brilliant set by a brilliant band - full stop!
By Dave FungalPunk - FungalPunk
For the rest of the nights review go to:
FungalPunk Gig Review
Plymouth Punx Picnic 2016 @ The Junction - 11/09/2016
But where would punx picnix be without the perennial 2 SICK MONKEYS and their deranged prodding of NoMeansNo with Stiff Little Fingers?.
And if singer/bassist, Pete Butler’s lovingly ferocious, gravel-voiced banter doesn’t win you over, nothing will.
By Darren Johns - Plymouth Student Magazine
For the rest of the nights review go to:
Plymouth Student Magazine Gig Review
The Union Bar, Hastings - 08/01/2016
To follow that was the Swindon punk duet 2 Sick Monkeys.
Considering this duo consists of just a drummer and a bassist, you would be forgiven for being surprised when they pull off some of the heaviest hardcore punk you’ve ever heard.
Both members provided rough shouty vocals over some impressively intricate basslines that could be compared to the awesomeness of Rancid’s Matt Freeman and then some hard hitting drum beats to match.
Just like the previous set, the pits were relentless, with almost non-stop pushing and shoving to the aggressive punk.
Aside from the music, 2 Sick Monkeys were hilarious with their little rants in between songs and just being all out entertaining as they provided laughs as well as great tunes to lose your shit to.
By Makky Hall - Broken Arrow Magazine
For the rest of the nights review go to:
Broken Arrow Gig Review
Basingstoke/London/Devizes/Basingstoke/Paris/Prague - 2015
The Irish Centre, Basingstoke - 08/08/2015
The headliners were the amazing 2 Sick Monkeys from Swindon, who were last here about a year ago and are perennial favourites of the Basingstoke punx.
The bass-drum duo are legends in the punk world for the sheer number of gigs they play, as well as nice they are as people and talented as musicians.
They nailed it without a doubt and in spite of the oppressive and even better than that, the gig ended on time, regardless of the early hold-ups.
By Neil Duncan - Issuepunk
For the rest of the nights review go to:
Basingstoke Gazette Gig Review
The Dome, Tufnell Park, London - 16/07/2015
2 Sick Monkeys then one of the best bands around at the moment and another who are constantly on tour. unleashing a powerful set which has the backbone of Pete's fast bass playing which sounds like a guitar.
Dirty and raw and raw with melody finding it's way in there here and there to be torn to bits.
Ending with their crowd pleaser where we get to shout out Fuck Off! another of the highlights of the day superb band.
By John Marshall - Wedding Present Live Journal
For the rest of the nights review go to:
Wonkfest 2015
The Corn Exchange, Devizes - 10/06/2015
Those of us who ventured out in Devizes on a school night to The Corn Exchange couldn’t quite believe our luck.
The evening kicked off with the heavy sound of 2 Sick Monkeys, Wiltshire punk royalty. Pete “We just want to make people happy” and Fred Monkey, a man of few words, from Swindon, are an in your face two piece who steamed through their set with No Brakes and cheerfully instructed us to leave the building in no uncertain terms.
By Gail Foster - Gail From Devizes
For the rest of the nights review go to:
Gail's Devizes Review 10/06/2015
Sanctuary, Basingstoke - 16/04/2015
It had all been five-star acts up until now, so it was only right to have a six-starrer to headline.
2 Sick Monkeys from Wootton Bassett are total legends in the world of DIY punk. This two-piece drum/bass combo are big hits wherever they go in the UK, or Europe.
They are fast and they are angry and they write and sing songs about the sorts of things the majority of the crowd care about.
In spite of two broken fingers on his right hand, bass-player Pete played like a demon.
By Neil Duncan - Issuepunk Zine
For the rest of the nights review go to:
Basingstokle Gazette Review 16/04/2015
L'art ou Libre, Paris, France - 04/04/2015
"They are two. Two monkeys sick. "Two sick monkeys", this is the name of this group who practice and claimed the self-derision, in the reflection.
But first, can we say group, when it is a duo?
Certainly the two artists fulfill so the space of their charisma and their powerful sound, that one would believe that there are at least 5 on stage. But, that is. They are only two. With a few times a dog, a true, out of who knows where, who is walking by here.
The group "Two sick monkeys", was formed in December 2000, of a low and a battery, in the framework of what is called the gigging, primarily to support Darrin Mooney, drummer and percussionist of "Primal Scream" at a musical event in Swindon, english town located halfway between London and Bristol.
"Gigging", comes from the English word "gig" and means a movement from a "gig" (concert) at the other, participating in the set of a group the time of a few songs, and schlepping elsewhere immediately.
A musical sense acute, a relational quality off hand and a strong capacity for adaptation are required.
The musicians before integrate illico to the atmosphere of each concert. The gigging is very frequent in musical circles of jazz and of the underground.
And "2 sick monkeys " y excels, him. Since its formation, Two sick monkeys, has played nearly a thousand concerts, including 8 European tours.
The two musicians have built a solid reputation by playing live with Nomeansno, Subhumans, Anti-Nowhere League, GBH, Discharge, The Varukers, Tea Dickies, Total Chaos, UK Subs, Inner Terrestrials, Earthlings, Misfits, The Buzzcocks, Goldblade, 999, Citizen Fish, Vice Squad, Sham 69, Targetpoint, Captain Everything, Neville Staples, Tea vibrators, Sonic Boom Six, The Fight and Lord Bishop Rocks.
But Fred naked to the battery and Pete Tower to the low and the voice, also continue, tirelessly and in duo, to ignite the squats, the halls and bars.
On 31 March, they were in Dresden, on April 1 in Prague, the 3 at Tubigen in Germany and yesterday Saturday, April 4, they were at Fontenay-sous-bois near Paris.
The punks residing for 7 years to the squat" the wheel which turns "the have invited to one of their 3 annual evenings. They have notably interpreted the very excitedly 'Why?'."
By Rafia Bizri Villa - Ziketzink
Ziketzink review 04/04/2015
Klub Buben, Prague, Czech Republic - 01/04/2015
On the stage, and he found basák and drummer. Another duo, this time not acoustic.
Two freaks of Swindon. Fred and Pete. Nor are they can't appoint otherwise than 2 sick opic.
They passed out about concert in Prague, and then popped in the drum. The basák even bother lift the microphone of the previous Presentation by sedentary shipwreck and yells to him bent at the waist and crushing the base always three or four strings at the same time.
What the hell ... ? It was supposed to drive, it was supposed to tune from time to time, I didn't get it. purely instrumental tracks alternate between hardcore punk burners and the final song Fuck you, I guess I'll remember for the rest of my life.
Without too much an obstruction, then Fred and Pete collapses 'And they're going back on the club.
By Danny - Kids and Heroes
Kids and Heroes review 01/04/2015
Swindon/Abertillery/Salisbury/Manchester - 2014
The Victoria, Swindon - 09/07/2014
Now from just over the other side of the M4 from Wootton Bassett is veteran punk two-piece 2 Sick Monkeys.
Some men of the older generation have terrible ‘dad banter’, but Pete Tower is on absolute fire tonight, when not rocking out and defiling his bass with his incendiary punk style of play, he’s cracking jokes, thanking the organisers and just being a total lad.
The set is riddled with old school high octane punk that is as infectious as a puppy yawning on a rainbow, smiles are plastered all over the audience. They perfectly example how music can bring people together of any age as we all clap and applaud his speech about how grim it is that the dead soldiers are brought through his town and exploited.
Anyway back onto a cheerier subject, they end their set by asking the audience to tell them to “Fuck Off” over and over again…Fuck off 2 Sick Monkeys, but please, come back and do it all over again.
By Joshua - Hit The Scene
For the rest of the nights review go to:
Hit The Scene Review 04/07/2014
The supports, With Ghosts and The Rebecca Riots, were suitably angsty and vicious, but the show was nearly stolen from the headliners by local punks, 2 Sick Monkeys.
The band's repertoire of politically-charged tunes concerning all matters Swindon, as well as lead singer Peter Towers' incredible frontmanship, got the crowd chanting, cheering, laughing and singing along (when they could make out the words!)
By George Tompkins - This Is Wiltshire
For the rest of the nights review go to:
George Tompkins Review 04/07/2014
Slugfest 7 @ The Dolls House, Abertillery - 04/07/2014
2 Sick Monkeys are always an awe inspiring prospect live and tonight Fred (drums and vocals) and Pete (bass and vocals) do not disappoint.
Declaring that Slugfest is actually really Christmas the lads who aspire to live in Merthyr (its twinned with their home town of Swindon apparently) rip through the likes of ‘Never Say Never’ ‘Spontaneous Amoebic Disorder’ (their tribute to death metal album titles) and their rather splendid reworking of ‘American Idiot’ with ruthless bass driven punk rock abandon.
There’s no room for any song fat with these boys and as a result their set is over almost before my first can of the night is fully consumed.
By Johnny H or Gaz E - Über Röck Zine
For the rest of the nights review go to:
Über Röck Review 04/07/2014
Malmesbury Arms, Salisbury - 16/03/2014
Main support came from sleepy Wootton Bassett - a drum and bass duo who are known as 2 Sick Monkeys and who are absolute legends in the DIY punk scene.
These guys play so many shows, big and small, all over the country and in Europe that it is just untrue. The only thing more amazing is just how very good they are, how fast, how clever the lyrics and the playing - I really want to get them to play in Basingstoke.
By Neil Duncan - Basingstoke Gazette
For the rest of the days review go to:
Neil Duncan Review 16/03/2014
Star & Garter, Manchester - 23/02/2014
Another ale, I was flagging, I needed picking up - thank fuck for those 2 Sick Monkeys and their vibromatic bananas (which is a private matter between me and the band - ooh me duffel bag).
I have loved this band since the early days when they both looked younger than 70 years of age. They turn me on, they are DIY to the core, they work hard in a whirlpool of idlers, they are focused and frenetic and...they don't half make a good noise.
The combo of bass, drums and wild gobbage shouldn't work but does, and does so extremely well basically down to a stubborn refusal to let the output fall flat, a spirit that is wired up and pugnacious and a technical ability that is right up there with some of the bigger bands who take too much applause to make the punk rock scene believable.
You get a quality set throughout - The Nirvana Song, Inside/Outside (a fuckin' belter) No Brakes (another crackerjack), Doomy Punk, Never Say Never (the ethos is choice), Zombie Holocaust, There's Something Wrong With You, Nail In The Sky, What D'You Know, We'll Free The Shit Out Of You, Happy Days (Yeah), One More Second and at the end, as is most appropriate, you get told to 'Fuck Off' (well anything less would be just plain rude). Utter brilliance.
By Dave FungalPunk - FungalPunk
For the rest of the nights review go to:
FungalPunk Review 23/02/2014
The penultimate act came in the form of 2 Sick Monkeys from Swindon, Wiltshire. A band containing only drums and bass but the lack of six strings didn’t result in any lack of sound or entertainment.
Pete has got to be the fastest bass man in Swindon! The speed of execution of 2 Sick Monkeys reminded me of that of The Exploited and I picked up a Dead Cities element, not that I’m saying Swindon is a Dead City!
Pete and Fred seemed to share the vocals but Pete did most of the talking and told us we were getting a brand new song with some of the crappest lyrics you’ve heard 'There’s Something Wrong With You' and they well could have been but I enjoyed the song and didn’t actually pay much attention to the lyrical quality.
Pete speaks almost as fast as he sings but I got the gist that We’ll Free The Shit Out Of You is a Deadbeat song and if ‘Obama and Co formed a band, this is the song’ it was fast and loud, as were most of the songs.
Pete thanked STP for ‘having us back’ and Brassick for the last 5 days as they’ve been gigging together. Coming to the end of their set Pete said ‘Thanks very much for watching. Let’s Get Fucking Wasted’ then laughed ‘That’s the alter ego I guess, but you know where I’m coming from’ Apparently they rarely get to play to crowds of so many people so Pete got his camera out and asked the audience to ’Give us the finger’ for a couple of pictures.
Fuck Off brought the set to a close and again it was chorus most people were able to join in with. With Pete’s final words ‘You’ve made two old men very happy’ and a round of applause thus ended a good set from 2 Sick Monkeys.
By Louise Swift - Planet Mosh
For the rest of the nights review go to:
Planet Mosh Review 23/02/2014
Abertillery/Manchester/Plymouth - 2013
Slugfest 666 @ The Dolls House, Abertillery - 05/07/2013
The difference between 2 and 36 is more than just 34. Y'see, the anticipation held by festival goers - this fucked-up festival's at least - for both Thirty Six Strategies and 2 Sick Monkeys was highly comparable, the pay-offs, however, wholly different.
2 Sick Monkeys have been to Slugfest before, reigned supreme on a Friday night here too, so the buzz of anticipation that awaits their arrival on Stage 1 is, calamity excepted, sure to be satiated by a pair of mentalists who have taken the two-piece band format considered very much in vogue over the past several years and slapped it upside the head: there's no twisted take on blues rock here, no highbrow critic-friendly noodling, instead 2 Sick Monkeys knock out a skewed, oft hilarious, punk rock noise that is as infectious as it is grin-inducing.
These two fellas of questionable age named Fred and Pete never disappoint, their very own version of drum and bass a tune and laugh riot.
By Gaz E - Über Röck Zine
For the rest of the nights review go to:
Über Röck Slugfest 666 Review 05/07/2013
Sound Control, Manchester - 22/05/2013
Following RotPM, 2 Sick Monkeys have to work harder still, what with there being just the two of them, bass player and drummer, sharing vocal duties.
They describe themselves as “death core and salsaness”, whatever the hell that means, and they keep insisting that it’s Christmas.
I find their charm and sense of humour very endearing from start to finish – from their song that is “a true story based on a circumcision gone wrong” to the end of the gig, where they take a photo of the whole crowd giving them the finger (plus someone in the front row pulling a moonie… there’s always one, right?).
2 Sick Monkeys have a proper old school punk foundation to all the tunes they play tonight, but they incorporate a lot of the many faces of modern (American-style) punk (barring ska and emo). There’s lots of chordal bass playing, and overall, a more uplifting and melodic experience than RotPM.
I wish I could think of more to write about them, cos I enjoyed the set.
By Chris Oliver - Silent Radio
For the rest of the nights review go to:
Silent Radio NoMeansNo Gig Review 22/05/2013
White Rabbit, Plymouth - 09/04/2013
On this, the last night of the Misfits tour, initially there didn’t look like there would be many people for the first band, Swindon’s, ‘2 Sick Monkeys’, but by the time they hit the stage a pretty decent crowd of about two hundred were loitering in front of the stage, which was good because anyone who missed them, missed a pair of real Punk gems.
They had a massive sound for just two guys and epitomized everything that was and still is great about British Punk music.
Opening with the words “Tonight’s show is brought to you with the words Ding Dong and the Witch is Dead” raising a wry smile on the faces of anyone who understood the inference.
They went on to play a highly entertaining set with equally entertaining between track banter, some of which were from their split CD with ‘Rash Decision’, ‘Less is More….More or Less’.
Also included in the set were ‘Nirvana Song’ , a self proclaimed ‘rip off’ song, explained by guitarist/vocalist Pete Tower, so that they could be sued for everything they don’t have, including their debts, ‘Inside Outside’, a song about bullying, and ‘Happy Days’, a song about suicide.
Towards the conclusion of their set Pete paused to photograph the crowd because, he said, no one would believe they had played before such a large audience.
As far as opening acts go, they were by far one of the better ones, I thought they were engaging, amusing and musically very good and I think a great many of the crowd would agree also, judging by their very positive reactions.
By Jools Green - Punk Globe
For the rest of the nights review go to:
Punk Globe - 2SM Misfits Gig Review 09/04/2013
Lille/Bournemouth/Wrexham/Manchester/Ashton-Under-Lyne - 2012
Les 6 Roses, Lille, France - 19/10/2012
Now place the English language and 2 SICK MONKEYS.
Again, the training is well amazing: it's a bass/drums duo. The singing is led by bassist and backing vocals are performed by the drummer.
The rhythm section is there, so what happens to the melodic part? It is very simple, the bass is the job of the guitar. And the bassist plays for two, and he played damn well the bastard!
It oscillates between lines of low techniques, saturated chords and solos mortals! With him in the group, no need to guitarist, it's simply awesome!
I remain amazed before the game on bass. Skål goes so far as to compare it with Matt Freeman! If so, RANCID bassist! It can tell you the level of the guy!
Farm-level one remains in effective and simple rhythms, it's a bit technical breaks from time to time, but is left to the lower his hour of glory.
I'm also told that bass is very similar to that of THE RESTARTS. Indeed it is very similar.
The set ends already? Damn, I have not seen the time passing! Baby Yes it is already 11 pm... A little reminder? Awesome! Yet another? Oh yes! A third? Roh, you spoil us guys! Three callbacks made tonight.
The concert ends finally at 23: 30! Phew, the neighbor did not come to complain. It ends all the evening is drinking beers and blablatant everything and nothing. This first PSP Production orga began with some quack Pack but it is will be finally well finished and I would have made great discoveries!
** DxW Jr.
By Alex DeWarlaing Jr - Acouphenes Reports
For the rest of the nights review go to:
Acouphenes Reports - Les 6 Roses Review 19/10/2012
And to check out the Acouphenes Reports blog, go to:
We will try and get a better translation at some point
Macmillian Charity Fundraiser @ On The Rocks, Bournemouth - 06/10/2012
Third on are Swindon’s 2 Sick Monkeys, a ferocious thrashy 2 piece bass and drums Punk outfit.
From the outset to the finish there is absolutely no let-up, these guys play on adrenalin and theres no half measures. There’s no setlist Pete (bass/vox) informs me, “we just make it up as we go along!” Who am I to argue!
There is real anger in his vocal delivery in front of Fred’s ferocious hitting. The sound these two conjure up is simply deafening.
Midset Pete decides on an anti everything “rant”. Its lost on me but he gets some applause.
Their deafening set continues apace but I take refuge outside although they could probably be heard some 100 yards away.
It’s thrashy, harsh, in yer face Punk at its loudest and they too leave to good applause.
By Ross A Ferrone - Rock Regeneration
For the rest of the nights review go to:
Rock Regeneration - On The Rocks Review 06/10/2012
And to check out the Rock Regeneration website, go to:
Dirty Weekend Fest @ Penny Black, Wrexham - 07/09/2012
We did catch 2 Sick Monkeys who never fail to impress when they ask why we have to suck so much American cock.
As is well documented on these link2wales pages, this two piece feature the lead bass skills of Pete (also in Dead Subverts), who plays the four stringer like a six stringer and puts most guitar wannabes to shame.
They also make a fucking great racket. Pete dedicated Lost My Head to Dead Subverts and their ability to party til they die. 2 Sick Monkeys can also party, this is their 700th gig!
By Neil Crud - Link 2 Wales
For the rest of the nights review go to:
Link 2 Wales - Dirty Weekend 2012 Review
And to check out the Link 2 Wales website, go to: link2wales.co.uk/
By this point i am hammered and soaked to the bone with sweat! So i went outside for a spliff as you do!
Back inside and a little later on was 2 Sick Monkeys, ’Big sound little outfit’ drums and bass with Pete playing bass like an absolute madman and ranting total sense (mostly).
These i have seen a few times and i think this was there 700th gig (they don’t stop) crazy music for crazy people!
Just released a split album with Rash Decision too go get it!
By The Scumbrian - The Scumbrian
For the rest of the nights review go to:
Link 2 Wales - Dirty Weekend 2012 Review
The Star And Garter, Manchester - 27/05/2012
2 Sick Monkeys - one of whom is an unhinged psychopath with a passion too horrible to contemplate, the other who is an unhinged psychopath with a passion too horrible to contemplate.
What these two get up too when the sun goes down (or perhaps when the 'son' goes down -ooooh how grotesque) is anybodies guess but what they do when let loose on a stage is set in stone and absolute fuckin' quality all the way.
The fire built at the start is hot and one can cope with the odd singed sonic lug but as the furied flames are encouraged by the relentless billowing spirit one can't help but feel delightfully overwhelmed by the cacophonic conflagration these two loons exude.
Over the years I have seen these guys move through the mire and head along to that target of 1000 gigs, in fine accomplished style.
It seems a long while back when they were plucking around on the 2 figure mark and through all sorts of shit they still march on - success indeed. Tonight, covered in dust (it’s a tale to be told) Pete rattled on and gave hint at a new found destruction that made for one exciting viewing.
Fred at the back (perhaps one of the most mentally crippled men on the scene - that's my theory anyway - anyone who says so little and hangs around with a madman like Pete must have something amiss) plays a fuckin' good un' as per and remains rigid (maybe in more ways than one) and holds together what could be a potential doomed ship.
Singing roles are swapped with Pete doing the bigger and more nastier part and Fred supplying that essential contrast and more restrained edge.
The set rattled by and each blast worked big time. One of the best units on the block and I have yet to meet anyone disappointed by the fire. 'Happy Days' and 'Lost My Head' stunk of untamed glory but 'Number One Retard' shone brightest from a bright thing filled with brighter than bright brightness ha, ha.
Class A in attitude and delivery - fuck off!
By Dave FungalPunk - FungalPunk
For the rest of the nights review go to:
FungalPunk - Star & Garter Review 27/05/2012
And to check out Dave's website, go to: www.fungalpunknature.co.uk
The Witchwood, Ashton-Under-Lyne - 31/03/2012
A two way review - well almost - Dave McHale - top man and show organiser tells you how it went first and I, Fungalpunk Dave, add a tiny bit of extra goings-on to add further detail to a darn decent night for a quality cause.
2 Sick Monkeys comprise of Fred on drums/vocals and Pete on Bass/vocals, and if you’ve never seen these guys before you’re probably thinking they are a little under equipped right now.
Their motto is “small outfit, BIG SOUND!!” and for those of us who are acquainted with the Poorly Primates, we know how right this is.
Blistering lead and rhythm coming from what is essentially the rhythm section just doesn’t seem reasonable, but trust me these guys know their onions.
Powering through their set, interspersed with Pete’s sarcasm and comedy, 2SM certainly keep your attention from start to finish.
An excellent set of cutting edge punk from the duo from Swindon, ending in the subtly titled audience participation number ‘Fuck Off’, leaves us looking forward to seeing these guys again, and soon! (Dave McHale)
I have done a fair bit over the years with this delectable duo of powerhouse artistry and it is good to see them continuing despite a little snippet of misfortune of late.
4 strings and some tubs and it is truly amazing what a racket one (well two in fact) can make. Faultless stuff with 'dedication' the key word.
Keep on flowing til' ya burn dudes! (Dave FungalPunk)
By The 2 Dave's (FungalPunk & McHale - sounds like a TV Detective show)
For the rest of the nights review go to:
FungalPunk - Witchwood Review 31/03/2012
And to check out Dave's website, go to: www.fungalpunknature.co.uk
Barnstaple/Bristol/Abertillery/Bideford/Devizes - 2011
The Wrey Arms, Barnstaple - 17/12/2011
Next up, we had 2 Sick Monkeys from Swindon: frenetic, shouty punk with a bassist and drummer.
These guys had some adoring fans in the ranks from their Beta Fest performance (*cough* Harry *cough*) and delivered observations of societal idiosyncrasies with their music (as only befits a punk outfit).
Loved their cover of 'American Idiot', sped up and complete with mumbled lyrics.
Pleasure to have you back in Devon!
By Talli - Talli's Music Blog
For the rest of the nights review, and to check out Talli's blog, go to:
Talli's Blog - 17/12/2011 Review
The Fleece, Bristol - 05/08/2011
So after a late call, I took a Friday night jaunt to the Fleece, hitting this venerable old venue early doors and enjoying some vintage Antmusic before first band, 2 Sick Monkeys, at 8.45.
A Swindon (!) two-piece of indeterminate vintage, they blasted through a set of late Dead Kennedys style hardcore onslaught with an admirable enthusiasm of a band twice their number and half their age.
The badger-haired gobshite bassist/ vocalist was as funny as fuck (introducing a song called “Happy Days” with, “this is about my suicide note, that was so crap I couldn’t die!”), their prog rock pastiche (“Spontaneous Aboebic Dysentry”!) was ironic and well-observed, and props for ending their set with a song called “Fuck Off”.
Hard on the ears early doors, but a riot overall; more power to them!
By David Rose - David Rose's Gig Diaries
For the rest of the nights review go to:
David Rose's Review - Bristol 05/08/2011
Slugfest 4 @ The Dolls House, Abertillery, South Wales - 29/07/2011
2 Sick Monkeys are, guess what, a two piece punk rock combo from Wootton Bassett who return to The Doll's House with a big reputation following a stonker of a gig in the not too distant past.
Opening their set with an English-baiting love letter to the Valleys gets everyone on their side before they have even played a note and, when they do eventually play one, any doubters in the room are left with no doubt that they are about to be entertained....severely.
'Number 1 Retard', a ten second song dedicated to Norwegian beserker Anders Behring Breivik ("Christian and racist? That's a double cunt!"), rubs shoulders with the likes of 'Happy Days', 'One More Second', 'Spontaneous Amoebic Dysentery' and a Napalm Death-styled crazy cover of Green Day's 'American Idiot' that has everyone bouncing.
The duo, drummer and bass player - no guitar - who share vocals, close the stunning set with the subtle 'Fuck Off' and a message to all Slugfest attendees; "We want your money not your spunk....though if that's all you've got we'll come to some kind of agreement." Top class punk rock chuckles abound
By Gaz E - Über Röck Zine
For the rest of the nights review go to:
Über Röck Review of Slugfest 29/07/2011
Betafest 2011.5 @ The Palladium Club, Bideford - 23/072011
2 Sick Monkeys, punk rock from Swindon, continued the pulverisation in the mosh pit with their frenetic sound and irreverent lyrics... Number One Retard and F**k Off were just a couple of songs in their repertoire.
Very impressive sound for two people, a set of drums and a bass guitar! Apparently they last played in Bideford two years ago; it was good to have them back.
By Talli - Talli's Music Blog
For the rest of the nights review, and to check out Talli's blog, go to:
Talli's Blog - Betafest 2011.5 Review - 23/07/2011
The Bell By The Green, Devizes - 07/05/2011
Finally 2 Sick Monkeys took to the stage and despite the crowd dwindling they were not disheartened.
Instead they tore through their 40 minute set of 80s-fuelled punk rock, stopping every couple of minutes to introduce their next song. These hilarious stories kept the attention of the audience and with the average song length clocking in at under two minutes, you were never bored.
2 Sick Monkeys have one hell of a reputation, and it grew just a little bit more tonight.
By Secret Squirrel
The full gig review was in the Wiltshire Gazette & Herald, May 12th 2011 (page 5, entertainment section) Not online yet.
Swindon/Neath/Treforest - 2010
The Furnace, Swindon - 23/12/2010 (600th GIG!!!)
The sessions were short, but the terrific 2 Sick Monkeys can fit a two hour set into 20 minutes attacking their playlist at a break neck pace with more swearing than the first series of Misfits. Fred Nus and Pete Tower are skilled musicians; the velocity drumming (Fred), pulsating bass (Pete) and tongue twister lyrics synchronise in an incongruous mind meld that bores into the brain. Watch out Mr. Spock!
What’s left is a beat that’s still throbbing through your body when your head hits the pillow. Tower plays an overdriven bass, splaying chords like a punk Lemmy and the songs are belted out by both guys, their voices slipping and sliding together with riotous compatibility.
Given that they were both sick monkeys on the night the boys gave a million percent and their final rendition of ‘F*ck off’ had the audience singing and pogoing. They could diversify into fitness videos!
You can find out everything Monkey, including details of the New Album at;http://www.2sickmonkeys.com/news.html
This was their 600th gig and coincidentally they shared the stage with the Charred Hearts for their 500th gig too.
By Joy Hanley - Green Man Music
For the full gig review, please go to:
Greenman Music - 2SM Review 23/12/10
The Duke, Neath - Nov 21st 2010
If the phrase 'start as you mean to continue' was to be used it would be reserved for 2 Sick Monkeys. This duo had an authentic 70's punk sound, which is an achievement considering it's just drums, bass and vocals that creates this!
The crowd watched in amazement to what they were seeing, not a word ushered but head banging by the audience, a positive sign. The reception received by the band was fantastic, and their set just went from strength to strength, which twinned with the persona of the lead singer make this band a 'must see punk band'. Stand out songs were 'lost my head', 'happy days' and the crowd favourite 'fuck off'.
By Adam Burse - Death Monkey Records
For the full gig review, please go to:
Burse's Blog - facebook.com/DeathMonkeyRecords
The Green Rooms, Treforest - 08/05/2010
Headlining an exceptional night were the larger than life ‘2 Sick Monkeys’. As it says in their bio, they are a small outfit with a big sound. I’d go as far as saying that they have a huge sound and a massive impact on the audiences that they play to.
High energy, fast paced, attitude punk, they are playing everywhere and with everyone including some massive names such as ‘Anti -Nowhere League’, ‘The Buzzcocks’ and ‘The Vibrators’. They seem to be able (with just a bassist and drummer) to incorprate well timed, complex punk with more tuneful and catchy punk riffs.
A band who run their bass though two amps to replace the sound of a guitar – they are exprerimental and yet captivating, with an amazing stage presence and a candid, outspoken frontman definitely a band to see live.
By Vick - thegreenroomsonline.co.uk
For the full gig review and pics (by Wayne) go to:
Green Rooms - 2SM Review 08/05/10
Wakefield/Manchester/Staines/Stockport/Abertillery - 2009
The Jockey, Wakefield - 21/11/2009
The night was closed with a musical exhibition of bassism and drumming, and how to combine the two and rock some serious bollocks off. A simple lesson in words but musically you need to be a real artiste to master what the 2 Sick Monkeys rattle forth.
This outfit, two-piece, duo, couple, pair - whatever you will - are a seriously good unit who work darn hard and are a total asset to the punk scene. This is the yardstick to judge by - does your band apply themselves so much as to produce a show of such intensity? Is your band willing to clock up 500 gigs in such a short space of time with a view to reaching the 1000 barrier in the not too distant future? A couple of questions well worth considering.
This is the 7th 2SM appearance on the SAS Tour and in that time they have never failed to do the business. The drums provide a steady backdrop to the mesmerising bass work and both components work in gratifying unison and bring forth a punk treat. The songs excel in many areas with various intricacies and twists that add to the holistic enjoyment. The best tonight - fuck off they are all good!
The banter was especially good with one heckler completely stumping Pete and leaving him speechless. Ha, ha - that'll teach ya to talk to strange women.
So a good night with an average turn-out that dwindled off towards the end thus in my mind insulting the skill and artistry of the incredible 2 Sick Monkeys. It still went well though and thanks to Noz and Karen, Steve from Phoenix, the MLTF boys and Ian from the Despondents for dropping by.
By Dave Fungalpunk - www.fungalpunknature.co.uk
For the full gig review, please go to:
Fungalpunk - 2SM Review 21/11/09
Star & Garter, Manchester - 21/5/2009
Next up and yeah let’s talk about my ‘Thingy’. No not me todge you set of foul-minded bastards but a song dedicated to yours truly by that awesome two-piece (or should that be cod-piece) the 2 Sick Monkeys. And what a song – well instrumental to be honest but hey who cares. It was fuckin’ mesmerising and was a real ‘look at us we are fuckin’ good’ moment that kicked arse and crunched bollock.
The most heart warming aspect for me as a long term 2SM flag flyer was to see the duo play to a crowd who lapped it up and gave them firm appreciation. OK half the fuckers weren’t here to see this crew as they were here for the last two outfits but the fact is now they have tasted the primate punkage they are well and truly hooked.
You won’t find a better, hard-working band on the circuit and I am so glad they got some new fans on board tonight. ‘Too Many Secrets’ was another high but the whole set buzzed and I didn’t see anyone who could offer a complaint – job done!
A big upward curve is beginning here and I reckon I am fully justified in being rather petty and smug in stating ‘I told ya so – nah, nah, nah, nah, nah)!
By Dave Fungalpunk - www.fungalpunknature.co.uk
For the full review of the gig, go to:
Fungalpunk - 2SM Review 21/5/09
Star & Garter, Manchester - 21/5/2009
Next up 2 SICK MONKEYS. was given a demo by these a while back in Morecambe (possibly 2003), but shamefully, never actually listened to it, I tried finding the demo recently but it seems ive lost it. dickhead.
Theyre ace, they consist of a bassist and drummer but have a much fuller sound than you might expect. The bassist uses loads of bass chords and creates a sound that sounds like a lot more than just one instrument, an the drummers on top of his game aswell.
It is the bassist that gives this band such character though, he entertains the crowd with his fast paced wit an southern ‘del boy’ banter. Lyrics like “who do ya think smoked all ya hash? who’s do ya think knicked all ya cash? who set fire to ya dog? Me, me, me, me, me, me me me etc”. upbeat, feel good plod along sort of stuff, you need to hear them yaself really. Give em a listen on myspaz innit.
By Dave Cox - Global Parasite
For the full review of the gig, go to:
Alternative Britain Forum - Gig Review 21/05/09
The Hobgoblin, Staines - 29/1/2009
When the strange character (looking like the spurned son of 70’s comic Bobby Ball- I piggin’ hate you, Tommy) burst onto the stage and screamed “Hello, Goodbye! We are havin’ a party… you’ll f**** love it!” the audience automatically started to protect their softer nether regions whilst backing carefully and slowly away in a wide-eyed and anxious state of alarm. Groomed hair was about to become dangerously ruffled, unsullied minds were about to be torn up and messed with, and the pretensions and mediocrities of living a comfortable and predictable life in Staines were about to be pushed violently aside in an anarchic attack upon our precious Surrey/Berkshire claims and soft eardrums.
Then the chattering, rolling, thundering onslaught upon nerves and ears proceeded. And what a pleasure the pain truly was.
Pete Tower is the bass playing virtuoso mad-monkey frontman…a highly volatile incarnation of Ian Dury, combustible and highly unpredictable. He should be marked ‘danger UXB’ and placed in a lead-lined box for safety. Instead he is whirling around our pub like an out-of-control firecracker spitting and hissing like some cross between a banshee and a venomous python. He is smiling one minute- snarling and grimacing the next. He is up. He is down. He is enraged, he is calm. Hello, goodbye… he is all the things you hate and everything you love. He is like a one-man chemical reaction to everything you have to endure in this filthy world -releasing a spontaneous spume of exothermic energy into the cold night air.
Accompanying him on the drums is the one-man percussive army of Fred Nus whose style is so self-confident and aggressive that he would have triumphed single-handedly against the Persians at Thermopylae in 480 BC and would have told the 300 that they were ‘as soft as shite’ and to ‘sod off back to Sparta’ because he has got it ‘all in hand’.
The band played a rollicking selection of what Pete called ‘jazz songs’ and he continued to insist (because nobody dared to argue with this profane mad-hatter mentalist, no matter how tongue-in-cheek) that 2 Sick Monkeys were a West Country Jazz band. But the rapid street level gutter punk-politics of threatening, gesturing and gurning were always there like a bad smell in the kitchen sink.
My favourite song in the 2 monkeys scrapbook was “Why” as in…”Why are we always making bombs? Why do we have to suck so much American cock? Why? Why Why?” Pete is like the Banksy of punk rock.
Many of the 2 songs are nice n’ easy to follow … 2-bit 2-word choruses 2-chord riffs and 2 part formulas. But these stencilled 2-dimensional guerilla songs disguise an anti-establishment, anti-war and anti-capitalist profusion of rage and hysteria…albeit nicely packaged into neat and carefully presented tasty titbits for the world-weary consumer.
Pete is like the intellectually superior wino-vagrant that you see (but try to ignore) each morning in the shop doorway. Moist, dishevelled, smelly, rotten, revolting even; But he is genuine in a way that you are not. He is contented in a way that you will never be and - most importantly - he can chat his way out of things and rat his way into things in a way that you will never be able to copy. He uses an astonishing display of erudition that leaves you way, way behind …you are completely out of your class with this grinning , gymnastic, gold-winning, mindgaming street athlete and the mental stunts that he can perform.
I absolutely loved it that the 2 Sick Monkeys ripped apart the entrails of Green Day’s “American Hero” before flinging the remains of this ’sacred song’ unceremoniously onto the dancefloor for the grovelling masses to recoil from in feign horror. The band interpreted this song ‘as played by Slipknot’ but I noticed that Fred Nus provided the true and clear Green Day chorus towards the end of the number. This was a tried-and-tested theatrical device that helped to alleviate the
unconcealed pressure that was building up in the minds of loyalist punks everywhere and was successful in restoring the song back into the hearts of the punters as a worthy punk anthem.
The bass attack of Pete has to be seen to be believed. I am sure that I have never witnessed such competent, confident and yet furious bass-playing before. In normal circumstances virtuosity is frowned upon in the world of punk rock. But the credentials of this worthy band are intact because it is a two-piece and so, you tell yourself, Pete has to be a remarkable player…just to get the most from this limited set-up.
The band bill themselves as ‘A small outfit with a big sound’ but this doesn’t do justice to the mighty accomplishments of these two West Country performers. The cider with rosie, wooden skittles and smell of sawdust is never far away- not surprising for a band from Wootton Bassett, Swindon but the two punksters-extraordinaire also project an authentic and very urban sound and style- almost as alienating and as it is intense-feelgood punk sound as it should be.
A tactical assault on your sensibilities… walk the fine line between hope and despair with 2 Sick Monkeys as soon as you can… it is essential.
By Neil Mach - Staines Weblog
Staines Weblog - 2SM Review 29/1/09
SAS 3 Dayer - Thatched House, Stockport - 18/1/2009
A small moment of respite then the super gigging machine that is 2 Sick Monkeys weighed in with another pot of gold that really highlighted what a fuckin' fantastic band these lot are. Bass and drums play in perfect unison and the attention to detail, general madness and stunning work ethic all paid dividends here with a performance that blew minds. People gorged on the skill of these two craftsmen and I feel 2009 is the year that 2SM really make waves.
If there is a bad song in the set can you please e-mail the name of it as soon as so I can add it to this review - if not then fuck off and enjoy. As always absolutely superb and the fact that I ask them back every time says it all.
By Dave Fungalpunk - www.fungalpunknature.co.uk
Full 3 Day Review at: SAS 3 Dayer - 2SM Review 18/1/09
The Dolls House, Abertillery - 16/1/2009
So as the Strongbow starts to kick in its perfect time for Swindon upstarts "2 Sick Monkeys", and never has a band name been so perfect a description of what you are about to receive. Driven by a hammering bass and drum section, this two-piece spit out political punk just like the second wave of punk bands did almost thirty years ago.
Imagine a "Venom" rehearsal around the time of Black Metal and someone's forgotten to pick "Mantas" up from the local barbers where he was getting his moustache trimmed. Got that image? Well, you won't be too far away from the thunderous noise this band generates.
Tracks like "Fuck Off" certainly can't go wrong when delivered with the charm and whit that frontman "Pete" has by the truckload.
By Johnny H - Glitzine
Read the whole gig review at: Abertillery - 2SM Review 16/1/09
Bolton/Stockport - 2008
Fungalskapunka - The Dog & Partridge, Bolton - 24/5/2008
Lastly the fantastic 2 Sick Monkeys. Pete asked me 'how long have we got' and I responded with instructions to just rattle through it as quickly as possible and let's all fuck off home. The 2 'erberts from Swindon did just that and I'll tell you something - this 200mph set was a total fuckin' stunner and all the people who keep saying 'yeah these two guys are great' really fuckin' missed a superb performance that was drenched in belief, spirit, defiance and punk attitude.
Again the lack of crowd was disregarded and the lads played a true humdinger and this really says what's in the hearts of this duo when they get up and do their best in these starved times. This bunch should be eating from the top of the tree and I despair when I see less convicted players kissing the right arses and achieving more without this hungry, admirable spirit.
It was all good as per usual and this fastest set yet was I think their best.
The workaholic dedication will put these 2 poorly primates in good stead and when Pete informed me earlier that in no way were they giving in it really was a great note in which to encapsulate what tonight did achieve.
By Dave Fungalpunk - www.fungalpunknature.co.uk
Full review of the night at: Bolton - 2SM Review 24/5/08
SAS 3 Dayer - Thatched House, Stockport - 13/4/2008
And finally we come to the closing act of this 3 day blitz and what better way to close the curtain on this theatre of passion than with the unpolished, unpretentious and down to earth noise of the 2 Sick Monkeys.
What a great duo these two 'erberts are! With the twitchy Pete up front blasting his bass to pieces and interacting quite magnificently with the crowd and the subdued Fred at the back being as ever unassuming and holding the set together. This was truly fuckin' excellent and all the principals of punk are thrown into this mix and come out with a winning flavour.
Unorthodox but entirely committed, this brace of punky fuckers really do shift out a noise most 4-piece bands would be more than happy with. The songs are electric and truly come in to their own in the live arena due to the fact Pete is a master bassman constantly grimacing with effort and belief and the drummer is an accomplished artiste in his own right. I couldn't have wished for a more truer full stop to this weekends SAS statement and the pleasure on the remaining punters faces at the end was memorable.
'Too Many Secrets' is my favourite and the crowd involving chants of 'Fuck Off' reflected the charming and enticing nature of frontman Pete – a real charismatic dude who keeps it as real as you want it and that my friends will do for me.
By Dave Fungalpunk - www.fungalpunknature.co.uk
Full 3 day review at: SAS 3 Dayer - 2SM Review 13/04/08
Stockport/Swindon/Wootton Bassett/Manchester - 2007
SAS 3 Dayer - Thatched House, Stockport - 2/9/2007
2 Sick Monkey's got up next and in truth what can I say? If punk was ever going to be encapsulated by a band over this weekend then these two amiable 'erberts would be a good choice. The performance was excellent and only marred by a mis-understanding on mine and a mates part over paying in which was in itself ridiculous and fuelled by drink.
Getting back to it though - my daughter thought the 2 Sick Monkeys were the best band she has ever seen with the piss-taking version of 'American Idiot' fully understood and enjoyed by all. Lovely.
By Dave Fungalpunk - www.fungalpunknature.co.uk
Full 3 day review at: SAS 3 Dayer - 2SM Review 02/09/2007
Puttyfoot Promotions - Winners Lounge, County Ground, Swindon - 31/05/2007
If cliché has any place in music reviews, and as this is my review then it has, the phrase that summed the night up could be "snatching victory from the jaws of defeat". The reason I say this is that the morning of the gig arrived amidst a flurry of messages and panicked phone calls trying to arrange a replacement opening band for the Valves who had pulled out due to illness.
It was with great delight that I read that those wonderful Two Sick Monkeys had jumped in at the eleventh hour to help save the day. Fair play to these guys, probably the hardest working band around here, that Although they can be found gigging from Prague to Glasgow and everywhere in Between they are happy to jump in to the opening slot of a Thursday night local gig at such short notice.
After this gesture I could forgive them anything regarding their performance, but then again I didn't have to, not only are they top blokes, they are a thoroughly class act.
For the uninitiated, which probably amounts to three old ladies in the Orkneys, Two Sick Monkeys are a two piece punk band and whilst this might seem like a difficult concept to pull off, once they open up with their unique sound you realise that these are the right men for the job. There are a number of factors that enable them to make this work, Fred's consummate drumming skills powering the music on, Pete's ability to play the bass as if there are two guitars in the band as well, but more than that it is the confidence and song writing ability that only comes with experience.
These building blocks are cemented together with humour, although they take Their music seriously, they certainly don't take themselves seriously and that is a very endearing factor in a world of ego and celebrity that is normally thrust in or face.
For two people their sound certainly manages to fill every space in the room, out of those four stings and one drum kit emanates a sound equal to any four piece punk band with the added bonus of some quality riffs and runs, drum fills and well rehearsed stops peppering their songs. And great as their own material is, it is the moments of comedy genius that stick in your mind after the event, be it the cover of American Idiot complete with alternative vocalisation or that playground classic, The Worm Song played at the current world record duration of 7.3 seconds.
But away from the silliness there are still some poignant messages that stick in your mind, such as a commentary on the text generation "we've lost the art of speech, we don't communicate, we've lost the art of speech, lets all abbreviate" Two Sick Monkeys are a great act, technically astute, funny as hell and lyrics that might make you stop and think for a moment. Not a bad way to start the night.
By Dave Franklin - Green Man Music
Full gig review at: Green Man Music - 2SM Review 31/05/07
Marie Curie Charity Gig - High Street Club, Wootton Bassett - 09/03/2007
The fourth and final band of the night were the two piece punk band 2 Sick Monkeys. Their slogan "small outfit, big sound" just about sums them up, with just drums and a bass guitar their sound was as full and powerful as the other bands put together!
Listening carefully to their songs I couldn't believe how it sounded so good without guitars. The Punk duo seemed the most relaxed on stage just wanting to have a good time but each song was played faultlessly.
By Nathan Gregory
From The Wiltshire Ocelot magazine, issue 10, April 07
S.A.S. Tour - Joshua Brookes, Manchester - 11/2/2007
Due to a load of late pull-outs I chanced my arm with 2 Sick Monkeys as main support despite never having seen or heard them before. After several chats with the lads the attitude seemed apt so why not indeed? By jove what a grand risk!
This was awesome and really rocked the joint to its core. With only a drummer and a singing bassist this really was a powerful onslaught that varied its tempo to a tee and was as polished performance as you could wish to see.
Like I said I don't know any particular song but in truth I would be hard pushed to find a bad un'. A class last minute substitute that scored that elusive winner. David Fairclough eat your heart out! Brilliant.
By Dave Fungalpunk - www.fungalpunknature.co.uk
Full gig review at: FungalPunk - 2SM Review 11/02/07
Wales/Cornwall/Manchester - 2006
Stonemasons, Haverfordwest - 23/09/2006
Sometimes we do need something a little different in the line-up, and this week it was provided by a pair of absolute nutcases who had driven all the way from Swindon to entertain us.
2 Sick Monkeys look at first glance like half the band has been struck down with flu and not showed up – just a bassist and a drummer. As soon as they start playing, though, those impressions disappear. And after everything I just said to praise True Sounds, I think it's worth pointing out that while watching 2SM, Ash and Camani's jaws hit the floor.
The raw talent and years of experience were evident, and impressive. The charisma, and the way they joked around with the crowd as though they'd known them all their lives, was just phenomenal. I did say they were nutcases, didn't I? Well, that might explain why a handful of people who had been smart enough to turn up to the Stonemasons on Saturday night got to see a world record attempt for the door price of £4, then. What world record? You can have a guess if you like... you'll never get it.
Well, after playing a flawless set of rambunctious but fairly serious tunes (think Nomeansno on a non-too-angry day, maybe when they were doing their Hanson Brothers stuff), they decided to play… the fastest ever version of that nursery rhyme about eating worms. Colour me baffled!
By Stephmog - unfortunately I can't find the review of the whole night anywhere...if I find it I'll put the link up.
Also playing that night were May Cantain Nuts, True Sounds Of The Revolution + The Counterfeit Pirates
Nicals, Bodmin - 03/08/2006
Next up were Two Sick Monkeys, all the way from Swindon. If the surprise of seeing two thirty-somethings take the stage armed only with a drumkit and a punked-up bass guitar wasn't enough, the Nicals crowd seemed somewhat taken aback when frontman Pete Tower proceeded to not only play his bass very much like a lead guitar, but also prove that such things were unnecessary to 2SM's lightning grooves.
The bassist's admission that "we don't take things too seriously" was borne out by a humour-packed set, never more so than in a raw, shouty cover of Green Day's "American Idiot", greeted by a mixture of amusement and admiration. Very much like the rest of the set in fact, as Pete proved himself, at heart, a master entertainer, inducing the crowd to repeat the title of closer "Fuck Off" at them at considerable volume.
Musically, then? Trading hoarse vocals and ripping lightning fast through one dynamite tune after another, the Monkeys attracted the obvious Sham 69 and Sex Pistols comparisons (only at about double the speed), but the intense breakdowns and deep bass rumble also brought to mind the likes of Black Sabbath and even Rage Against The Machine.
This was the sound of two old pros showing the young'uns how it was done. The crowd lapped it up and, in the aftermath, the band sold out of their album "Curse Of The Monkeys".
By One Armed Scissor - Cornish Live Gig Review
Full gig review at: Cornish Live Gig Review - 2SM 03/08/06
Joshua Brookes, Manchester - 21/05/2006
Were quickly running out of ...fastness utters frontman Pete of the duo, 2 Sick Monkeys. They have just played an earlier gig in Ashton supporting 3CR and have dashed across town, but fastness is not something they appear to lack. The accelerated thrash of drums and guitar isnt comparable to the output of the White Stripes, but the abrasive vocals of Pete and the ferocious drumming speed the set along nicely.
Fastness is only put on hold when Petes between songs banter takes on some inspired meanderings. Its not often you hear a band entreating their audience to shout Fuck Off directly back at them, and seem pleased when they do it.
By Ged - Manchestermusic.co.uk
Full gig review at: Manchester Music Review - 2SM 21/05/06
Bodmin - 2005
Nicals, Bodmin 24/09/2005
A real joy as always, and with a host of new songs that come from their new cd. we were in for real treat. They got the crowd.. going as usual. and they are jammed pack full of energy...keep it up lads.
By Andy Guthrie...Eyedeal Sounds
Full gig review at: Andy Guthrie - 2SM Review 24/09/05
Nicals, Bodmin 29/07/2005
Best ever 2 piece to play at Nicals. With songs that stand out from the rest and a bass player who looks as if he's just escaped from the local looney bin, giving it all he's got. They put on a great show every time they play. i love 'em.
By Andy Guthrie...Eyedeal Sounds
Full gig review at: Andy Guthrie - 2SM Review 29/07/05
Nicals, Bodmin 13/5/2005
Were up first this time, a change in the listngs, but all good. They ran through their set, which was dogged by tech problems at the start. Amps kept cutting out.
Never one to let that stopped them, they played on as the guys from KDD jumped into action to try and solve it.
The 2SM's set, was a blistering set, from start to finish, you can't fault these guys.
By Andy Guthrie...Eyedeal Sounds
Full gig review at: Andy Guthrie - 2SM Review 13/05/05
Nicals, Bodmin 30/04/2005
What the fuck is going on here. A drummer & bass guitarist. What no lead guitar.
Who needs any more when you can create a sound of a four piece with just two people. With more energy than the national grid, these guys kicked some serious ass tonight. Pulling tunes out of bass as if it were a 6 string, the hands were just a blur on the fretboard. The crowd went ape..(no pun intended). Can't wait to see these guys again on may 13th.
By Andy Guthrie...Eyedeal Sounds
Full gig review at: Andy Guthrie - 2SM Review 30/04/05
Early live reviews - 2001 2003
Small Day Out - All Dayer - The Furnace, Swindon 26/07/2003
Two Sick Monkeys are a hardcore punk duo from the local 'countryside', merely a bass player and drummer, who produce a sound that echoes the likes of Rancid and NOFX.
Excellent bass-playing intertwined with chords usually seen played on guitar, as well as both musicians singing, gave Two Sick Monkeys a raw sound.
By Leks Wood - BBC Wiltshire
Full gig review at: BBC Wiltshire SDO Review
The Casbah, Swindon - 03/03/2003
Anyone familiar with the old Second Sunday nights at the Atrium from a couple of years back knows the drill. Three musical acts tied together with a comedy compere.
The compere, Janey Godley, is a pro comedienne from Glasgow. She sounds like Jimmy Crankie after a few weeks in the pub with Derek n Clive. She talks of being a working-class Glaswegian mum and employs extensive use of the word cunt.
This goes down well with the Swindon crowd, who are delighted to hear someone speaking the same language as themselves.
At the start of the night you'd have got odds of 5000-1 on 2 Sick Monkeys Pete Butler being beaten in a cunt-uttering competition. But the normally potty-gobbed front man holds his hands up sheepishly in defeat and the Monkeys play a subdued set bereft of the normal between-song banter.
It just gives people more time to marvel at the awesome racket they create. They're the best punk band in Swindon, primarily because they dont sound like anyone else.
By Gary Buswell (Spitting Glass Stars fanzine - Issue 11)
The Vic, Swindon - 19/12/02
So onto tonight's headliners. 2 Sick Monkeys.
I am not at all sure what to expect from them as having spoken to them I have found out that they are only a drummer and a bassist. But fuck are they good. Pete on bass has so much crunch on what he plays it sounds like he's playing a guitar and a bass and at times I think he does play his instrument as both.
This is a really enjoyable blast of old school punk rock and they really can handle themselves on stage. Pete is one of the finest banter givers I have seen in a long time. They really are quality. So do check them out and get hold of their cd - it's a great listen.
By Mr T (Touching Cloth fanzine)
The Vic, Swindon - 15/11/01 (2nd gig!!!)
If 2 Sick Monkeys were a football team they'd be either Wycombe Wanderers or Cameroon. The sort of spirited underdogs who charge in on proceedings, plant an armed pigeon amongst the cats, cut the big boys up into several hundred gingerbread men and emerge as unlikely victors of the evening.
They are just two blokes simply named Pete (ex-Acoustic Junkies) and Freddie and, armed with the bare essentials of drum-kit, bass plugged into cranked up amp, plenty of banter and enough spirit to shake a Smashing Pumpkins fan out of their "Life Hates Me" t-shirt, they specialise in planting themselves like a nail-bomb about second/third/fourth down the bill and then blowing the other acts off stage.
Tonight, 2 Sick Monkeys whip the skinny retro asses of Firebird.
The Monkeys bound onstage, take the piss out of themselves and others and make an almighty but musically tight racket that sounds like Man Or Astroman? crashing head on with Motorhead. Its loud, it's musical, it's get-up-and-go cheerful. How could it fail?
No trawling the inner psyche for emotional wounds, no whining in the face of adversity, no half-baked attempts at stealing someone else's idea of cool. In fact, it's the perfect antidote to a bout of spiritual malaise. Rather than mope about the bedroom listening to Richard Ashcroft sticking pins into his skin, get out and see 2 Sick Monkeys live and remind yourself how to smile.
Firebird, on the other hand, try extremely hard to convince us we've time-warped all the way back to a 1974 episode of the Old Grey Whistle Test on which Lynyrd Skynyrd are appearing. Each blues-y guitar lick reeks of a thankfully bygone era, each guitar pose and vocal inflection makes you feel as if you're viewing through a sepia-tinted screen, each hairdo is depressingly not a wig.
That it was all such a pile of splattered road-kill the first time around just heightens my annoyance until I want to lash out at anyone daring to look like they're enjoying it and thus encouraging the bastards to continue.
So, there you go. Shock result just in. Firebird 0, 2 Sick Monkeys 4. I would start up a chorus of "You're not singing any more" if it weren't for the fact that, in an excruciatingly retro whine, he still is.
By Gary Buswell (Spitting Glass Stars fanzine - Issue 9)